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Post-Pandemic SaaS Sales: New Data on Buyer Preferences


  • Submit your questions at any time during our discussion
  • Unanswered questions will be addressed via email after the webinar
  • We appreciate your feedback - brief survey at the end of this presentation

Wait, what is Qwilr?

Qwilr helps sales teams save time, stand out, and win more business.

Our smart document system makes it easy to create differentiated, visually compelling sales and marketing collateral, at speed.


Ben Lack, CEO, Interrupt Media

Chris Schreiber, Head of Marketing, Qwilr

Sarah Frazier, Qwilr Content Team

Why this study?


  • 61% of the sales process was done in person

Since COVID began:

  • Video conference interaction increased 41%
  • Online chat increased 23%
  • 75% of buyers and sellers say they prefer the new digital norm
  • Per Gartner, 80% of B2B sales will be digital transactions by 2025

What should we expect from here?

Key findings:

  • Sellers need to improve the buyer experience
  • Buyers want personalized interactions
  • Buyers want a simplified purchasing process

Buyer Experience Methodology

This study was conducted by a third-party agency on behalf of Qwilr from March 29 to April 9, 2021. The study included 114 respondents with the following demographics:

By industry

By department

By role in buying process

By gender

By age

By region

All survey respondents were in the US.

An Overview:

So what influences SaaS buyers to purchase?

Buyer influence insight #1:

Buyers want more control over pricing and packaging selection.

From our survey, 66% of respondents said a "build your own" pricing model is important.

On a scale of 1-5, how important is it to you that software pricing includes a “build your own” model where you can choose the components needed for your business?

Example: Build your own model & interactive pricing

(try changing the quantity and selecting optional items, see the impact on pricing)

Enterprise Recommendations for Team Acme


Enterprise package


Analytics module add-on


CRM integration


Implementation fee

$1,500.00 25% Off
Total Discount-$375.00
Total Excluding Tax$36,025.00


The impact:

  • Easier for customers to sign
  • Increased average contract size
  • Reduction in sales cycle timeline

Buyer influence insight #2:

Buyers want content tailored to them.

From our study, 64% said it's important that materials are personalized to their specific needs.

When in discussion with a sales team, how important is it that the materials they send are personalized to your specific needs?

Comments on what's important:

And what would prevent them from buying?

Example: product videos

Video can make the value proposition of your product or service tangible.

Example: Integrating with your CRM

Make personalized sales materials quickly by integrating proposal software with your CRM.

Data flow:

Automatically pull data from your CRM into your proposal with Qwilr.

The impact:

  • 30% reduction in time to prepare documents
  • No more errors or version control problems, as data is automatically pulled in from Salesforce
  • 87% savings in software costs - separate content and contract management solutions no longer needed

Buyer influence insight #3:

Buyers want a simpler process. Purchasing conveniences can accelerate the deal.

A "simpler process" defined:

Example: combine e-Signatures & Payment directly with your proposal content

The impact:

  • Proposal-to-close time reduced by 20%
  • Automation with Hubspot data
  • Less back and forth
  • Changes on the fly

Process modification = bottom-line influence

Traditional selling:

  • Presentation, proposal, contracts, invoices are all separate documents
  • Lots of back and forth, time delays
  • Cumbersome for everyone

Modern selling:

  • More impact - proposal/contract are one
  • More momentum - accelerates the process
  • Less work, for the buyer and seller

Takeaways for SaaS sellers:

Sellers need to improve the buyer experience.

Buyers are frustrated. The purchasing process has changed; buyers want more empowerment and options.

Buyers expect personalized materials.

Buyers want materials that communicate a deep understanding of their specific need and use case. Personalization demonstrates listening.

Buyers want a simplified process.

Buyers want an easier, less cumbersome purchasing experience. Added conveniences can accelerate the deal even more.

Take the next step:

Complimentary Buyer Experience Consultation